For your co-working space design, in order to be successful, you will need to have bums on seats, pitching in for rent and overheads. A very effective way of getting these people in the door is through word of mouth. It is a simple and very successful form of marketing for your coworking space, and it also offers visibility of what you offer without the monetary risk of visitors. It is for this reason, we recommend having the ability to host events, speakers, courses, or launches to people both inside and in the wider community. It is also a wonderful way to befriend your neighborhood and align yourself as a coworking space with like-minded businesses, individuals, and organizations. We recently hosted a movie night at our space and had burgers and beers, you can check it out here.
We used our open plan office space to host a movie night.
Variety is the zest of co working space design.
Beanbag, booth, desk, nook, or staircase? Offer them all! But make sure that it looks beautiful. First and foremost make sure that all of your seating arrangements are comfortable, it’s where we will be spending the majority of our day. But please make sure that your coworking space design is crafted with functionality and comfort in mind.
Beautiful co-working design, "The Office" by Fosbury & Sons
Your visitors will want to occasionally change up their view - for example, one day you may need a loud communal area to focus on your work and draw inspiration from the office interior design, but on another, you will need a stark white office space to channel your creativity and get the most from your work. Make sure that your co-working space design has a few different working environments to appeal to your different needs, but also to a diverse range of peoples working preferences.
Open plan Hudco co working space design.
Beautiful things will always attract people. Make your visitors excited to come round to your coworking space through the use of beautiful office interior design. In turn, attract the right kind of people to your space. This is fundamental in having a successful space - you will need to have a cohesive working dynamic! This means that you will have a bunch of like-minded individuals working on their own projects but gelling perfectly to make your space more enjoyable. Thomas House Coworking Office
Greenery in your coworking space design
Make the interior of your coworking space design be inspired by a cabin through the use of greenery. Add some plants to your co-working space design for the wellbeing and happiness of the people who are working in it. Productivity and health will be on the rise, it's a fact. This is caused by something called biophilia – it’s our innate desire to be connected with nature and how this connection promotes healthy bodies and minds. Therefore, when you plan your coworking space design you should do so with plenty of inspiration from a weekend spent outside, it will do great things for morale.
George & Willy Paper Roller in Fusillo lab, Milan.
Nail the basics of your co working space design
The reason that people love co-working space is because all of the small, niggly details are managed by you- the owner. Heating, lighting, comfort, cleanliness, printers that work (this isn’t an urban legend), branded stationery for jotting notes! Coldwater, hot water, lukewarm water, I could go on for days but i think you get what I’m trying to say. All of these small details that we take for granted in traditional office spaces can become quite annoying when you work for yourself so make sure your co working space design has all of these small details in mind when you holistically design your office space.
One thing that is universally consistent in every.single.coworking space design is a decent coffee machine. It’s the fuel that our human engines need in a productive working day (generally speaking) at the very least, to get a decent machine in and keep the contentment high. Your clientele is able to work from your space for one reason, and one reason only, a lovely little thing called the internet. Whatever you do, make sure that it goes at warp speed in your co working space. If there’s one thing that can put a damper on your working day, it’s an IT glitch such as slow internet.
George & Willy Atelier letter board & office coffee station.
The unique selling point of your co working space design
As more and more of our modern workforce realize that they no longer need to be tied to their workplaces and digital nomads are on the rise, the supply and demand for co-working space will be on the rise. Make sure that your co-working space design has a unique selling point, a small point of difference that will make the type of people you admire pick your space, over the one on the next block. Whether it be the interior design, the cafe that you have in the basement, or the roof-top events space - make sure that your co-working space is unique. In our office cabin design, we have installed small wooden tree hut booths, they offer cozy and private work stations within a larger open-plan workspace.
Read about our office rebuild here.